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Ideas To Help Make It Through Blog

What TF is Work-Life Balance Anyway?

Everyone talks about the impossibilities of work-life balance during quarantine. And they are right. That’s why this blog wasn’t even possible until the end was in sight. Honestly, it was hard to believe that there would be an end at some point.  Today’s blog will be looking at work-life balance using the Cognitive Behavioral Model. We will focus on how thoughts, feelings and behaviors are all taken into account when assessing balance or need for change to feel better.


How you think affects how you act and feel. Pay attention to your self-talk. Are you reminding yourself how you are doing what is necessary to survive, giving yourself credit for the efforts you’ve made to maintain your family’s safety? Believe what is true about your efforts and feel good because of that.

Mantra: “It takes strength to be proud of yourself.”-Abigail Tartelin


We all wish we could do preventative plans to keep from going off the deep end, but we can’t. Think of emotional states as something that needs ongoing check-ins. Notice when you aren’t feeling right. Spend a second observing what it is, and make a plan to overcome this feeling. Overwhelmed? You may need a break. Sad? You may need time to grieve. Angry?  It might be time to talk about those resentments. Every person is capable of observing their own feelings, understand meaning behind them, and identify what would help you to feel better.

Mantra: “The first step toward change is awareness.” -Nathaniel Branden


Everyone’s actions (or inactions) have consequence. Which actions in your life cause you joy and which are stealing your joy. Is there a toxic person you could text back to less? Could you increase those walks that are now possible since it’s nicer? Is it time to adjust your plans because things are different? Within therapy, we use behavioral “experiments” to try new things to see how they affect your emotions and thoughts. Then, keep doing the things that bring you joy (and keep stopping the stuff that sucks).

Mantra: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ― William James

My hope is that if you see work-life balance as something that you are always doing, you can find what works for you. Only you can figure out what your mind, body, and soul need to be at its best. Feel free to use this blog as a journal prompt. Good luck on finding you balance!

Written by Where You Are Counseling founder- Hollie O’Keefe, LPC